Anna Ryszka-Komarnicka is an Assistant Professor at the Division of the General History of Music of the Institute of Musicology, the University of Warsaw. Thanks to a grant from the Polish Committee for Scientific Research and a scholarship from the Lanckoronski Foundation, she finished her PhD dissertation The Oratorios by Pasquale Anfossi (1727-97) (supervisor: prof. dr hab. Irena Poniatowska). Her studies concentrate on the cultural history of music, especially Polish and Italian, in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. In 2011-2013 she received a grant from the National Science Centre in Kraków for a research project on The Book of Judith in the Italian Oratorios of the Baroque Era (1621-ca.1750). She published a monograph under the same title in 2017, thereby becoming Doctor Habilitatus in 2019. Since 2018 she is a member of the German research group in the Polish-German project PASTICCIO. Ways of Arranging Attractive Operas funded by the Polish and German research councils (NCN and DFG).