Another edition of the lexicon podcast!

We kindly invite you to listen to the next episode of our podcast, in which prof. Alina Mądry of Adam Mickiewicz University presents the subject of her research – musicians of the Poznań parish band.

In the following parts of the podcast, members of the team working on “The Lexicon of Poland’s Musicians of the 18th Century” talk about their scientific fascinations, popularizing the idea of the lexicon and disseminating the results of conducted research.

Our podcasts are also available on global streaming platforms:

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(Note! Content updating on streaming platforms can take up to several days!)

Listen to our podcasts

We are pleased to announce that – as part of popularizing the idea of the lexicon – we have launched our podcast project. In the first episode, prof. Irena Bieńkowska, the project manager, explains the ideas behind the authors of the lexicon.

Our podcasts are also available on global streaming platforms:

Wake your smartphone up, click on the favourite icon and listen to us without limits!

Work on the lexicon is in progress

Today a meeting of the working group was held, we discussed the doubts raised during the work on the biographies of the “Lexicon of Poland’s Musicians of the 18th Century.” We also detailed the editorial rules for the project.

The webinar, which took place online on the Google Meet platform, was attended by: Alina Żórawska-Witkowska, Danuta Popinigis, Aleksandra Patalas, Magdalena Walter-Mazur, Alina Mądry, Irena Bieńkowska, Anna Ryszka-Komarnicka and Olga Lisiecka.

We meet online

Today project participants discussed, verified and agreed editorial rules regarding the implementation of the “Lexicon of Poland’s musicians of the 18th century”.

Although a traditional inaugural meeting at the headquarters of the Warsaw Institute of Musicology was previously planned, due to mobility and meeting restrictions caused by the coronavirus epidemic, we could only talk via internet messengers. All the project participants were present during the webinar.

The agreement signed!

We are pleased to inform that – despite the difficult situation related to the coronavirus epidemic – a grant agreement with the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage was signed yesterday. In this way, work on the “Lexicon of Poland’s musicians of the 18th century” was officially launched today.


The Ministry of Culture and National Heritage officially announced today, that the project “Dictionary of Poland’s musicians of the 18th century” obtained funding from the National Heritage II / 2018 module implemented by National Program for the Development of the Humanities in 2020-2025.

More information about the project can be found on the “About dictionary” page .